Crédits photos Robert Etcheverry

Bouge de là | Photo Emmanuel Burriel

Théâtre Motus | Photo Robert Etcheverry

Crédits photos Robert Etcheverry
What are the reasons to join ASSITEJ Canada?
Engage with an organization that recognizes the value of performance for young audiences as well as its complexities.
Have a place to share ideas and experiences.
Inform, educate and advocate to the larger community (governments, school systems, sponsors etc.) the work that is engendered in the producing and presenting performances for young audiences.
Join the larger international ASSITEJ network and be recognised as a valuable contributor to the global conversation around work for young audiences.
Experience ASSITEJ Canada’s unique mandate that includes work for young audiences across all performing arts disciplines.
Gain the unique opportunities offered through being a member of ASSITEJ Canada on a national and international basis, including workshops, seminars and conferences.
Access current national and international Information.
Exchange between researchers and practitioner about experiences working with young audiences.
ASSITEJ Canada is a service organization for all practitioners, producers and presenters of the performing arts for young audiences. Membership is broken down into the following categories :
Produce and present professional work for young audiences
All paid members have right of voice and two votes at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Special Meeting (SM) of ASSITEJ Canada
All paid members are eligible to stand for elected office or Board seat (one representative per company/organization) with voice and vote
Associations/Organizations that represent companies/individuals who produce and present professional work for young audiences
All paid members have right of voice and one vote at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting
All paid members are eligible to stand for elected office or Board seat (one representative per organization/association) with voice and vote
Individuals are professionals and recognised as such and who work in or with organizations/companies producing and presenting professional work for young audiences or who identify as an individual who works closely with professional work presented for young audiences
All paid members have right of voice and one vote at AGM and SM
All paid members in this category are eligible to stand for elected office or Board seat with voice and vote
Students – those who are registered in a recognised educational institution that prepares and trains individuals for a professional career in a performing arts-related capacity
All paid members in this category have right of voice and one vote at an AGM or SM
Affiliate Members
Organizations or academic institutions who have a link or connection to work for young audiences
Right of voice only at AGM and no vote
Are not eligible to stand for office or Board seat
Ability to share and participate in issues and discussions related to work for young audiences
Ability to participate in conferences and activities – national and international related to work for young audiences
Ability to distribute information about your organization or your work amongst other members of the associations across the country and internationally
Recognition as a member of an organization which is representative of companies / associations and individuals who produce and participate in presenting work for young audiences
All members of full time or part-time/permanent staff of the company have access to services of ASSITEJ Canada
Can stand for election to the Board (only one elected member per company)
All members of full-time or part-time/permanent staff have access to services of ASSITEJ Canada
Can stand for election to the Board (only one elected member per association/organization
Have access to services of ASSITEJ Canada
Can stand for election to the Board (limit of 3 seats on the Board for individuals)
Voice and one vote at AGM and Special Meetings
Have access to services of ASSITEJ Canada
Can stand for election to the Board)
One voice and one vote at AGM and Special Meetings
Affiliate Members
Have access to some general services of ASSITEJ Canada to be listed separately
Cannot stand for election to the Board.
Voice and no vote at AGM